We use your short description to explain who you are in search engine results. Treat
this as a sales teaser, tell people why they should look at your profile in under 160 characters,
including spaces.
Here is an example:
John Smith is a veteran 5-star rated science instructor. PhD in chemistry, Masters in Physics and
Biology. Works with all ages, incl. children. English only. (156 characters).
Writing Your Bio
Once someone opens your profile, you’ll want them to book time with you. Think about
your bio as a resume that shows someone that you’re the best fit for their needs and gives them all the
reasons to choose you.
The most effective bios cover the following points:
What topics you teach.
Your length of industry experience.
Your relevant formal qualifications.
If you work with children, depth of experience with youth.
Any awards or recognition you’ve received.
A bit about yourself – your family, your interests, your personality.
Setting Your Prices
Many people have trouble working out what to charge, especially when first starting
How much you charge is entirely your decision. Often pricing can depend on different factors, such as the
knowledge you have, how many competitors there are, the level of your experience and skill, your
location and language and, most importantly, the ratings and reviews you receive.
It’s common for instructors to charge less at first to get experience and then increase their prices as
their reputation and popularity builds.
Please Note: all pricing on Guruu is in USD. It’s important you know these payment terms of use, so be
sure to read them.
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